Indianapolis, IN #4586 Chapter Directors

Dennis Meyer

Chapter President

Dennis is the Founder and Owner/Manager of Meyer Financial Strategies, LLC. He was born and reared in Seymour, Indiana, where he attended Immanuel Lutheran School.  He graduated from Indiana State University in 1978 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance. Prior to forming Meyer Financial Strategies, Dennis was associated with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, formerly Lutheran Brotherhood.  He also worked for Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan, and he was an independent investment broker for First Affiliated Securities.  Dennis earned his CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) designation from CFP® Board of Standards, Denver, Colorado. Dennis uses a proprietary approach to income planning called Bucket Plan ® and is Bucket Plan Certified™. Dennis has been helping individuals, families, and business owner’s work towards achieving their financial objectives for the past 30+ years. Through associations like AFEA, he is able to educate the community and “give back” and help people to be better managers of their financial affairs.


Dennis and his wife have resided in South Central Indiana for over 30 years. He has 2 daughters,3 sons, and 8 grandchildren. Outside of the office, he loves traveling, hiking in the Smokies, and spending time with his family. He likes antique cars and has owned several over the years, and currently owns a 1930 and a 1931 Ford Model A, and he likes to drive these cars daily.